Let me be a whisper of Grace, a soft echo tenderness yields…
Upon golden wing take flight, soar the skies as an untethered kite!
Free the Butterfly
As to the suns rays, mists surrender... Let your fears be dispersed by the great wisdom and strength that you are ... Trust in change, the divine flow of the universe, where all things move in perfect Love. As the inner-workings if a clock, our thoughts work together...
Invitation to Dream
Close your eyes tight Sprinkle a little Fairy Dust Now open them to a Childlike Reverie Where each twilight twinkle Is an invitation to dreamChildren remind us of the innocent wonder and tender kindness of our own hearts, the ever-shining brightness that we all...
A Shadow’s Dance
Resting sheltered under the canopy of a grand old sycamore tree, some beautiful imagery floats overhead, into mind and spirit... There is a western tiger swallowtail fluttering about high above in the tree's canopy. I cannot spy the butterfly directly from where I am...

Soar to New Heights

One of our greatest gifts of soul is our free will! We are blessed to work with inspired folks, just like you, who choose to use this gift for positive and transformative changes in their lives. Let us help you to unfold your creative spirit and soar to new heights with Grace underwing.
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